Saturday, January 26, 2008

Facing the truth...

Ok - I did it!! I faced the scale today!! It wasn't good but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I decided then and there not to wait until Monday to get back on track but to do it today!

So - I'm filled my backpack with all the healthy things I can eat during my 12 hour shift. Once the food is gone I'm done eating. I have a plan for my 2 am munchies. I'm going to go to the ice machine and get ice chips and crunch on ice chips! It serves a double purpose - I take care of the munching need and I get more water in!

Tomorrow morning when I get off of work I will exercise. I will do toning and some cardio.

I knew I had to face the truth and I did! I feel so much better now that I have faced the truth. I am going to take this one day at a time so I don't overwhelm myself.

I have 30 1/2 pounds to lose and I know I can do it!! One day at a time.....


Anonymous said...

Good for you girl..My oldest started getting me on mini icecubes to munch on..I am so proud of're gonna do great!!

Laura said...

Of course you can do it. You just have to keep your eye on the ball!

Claudia said...

You CAN do it Bethy. We all know you can. Hang in there and keep trying. Remember what Richard says (Did somebody steal your makeup? LOL) Never give up.